Thursday, June 21, 2007

YR: If the rumors are true, I am just heartbroken.

Adrienne Leon, the actress who (until recently) played the role of Colleen Carlton on YR has been fired from her position. According to a post on her MySpace blog, she states that she was told of this firing after she taped her final episodes.

Now comes word (rumor) that AL was fired from the job because of recent weight gain. What?! This is a beautiful actress--beautiful face, beautiful hair and a beautiful curvy body. Was she really fired because she wasn't a stick figure?! And, if anything, the role of Colleen should be played with someone who isn't overly thin because the character's mother (Tracy) also struggled with weight issues.

It has been revealed that Tammin Sursok, an Australian actress, has been recast in the role. Hmmm...another foreigner taking our American jobs! :)

CBS Soaps are now online!


Three soaps from the CBS Daytime lineup will now be available for same day viewing on the website. As the World Turns, Guiding Light, and Young and the Restless will be available. (Curious that there is no Bold and the Beautiful.) It even looks like a week or so may be kept in archives for viewing.

Here is the announcment on the site:

Watch Full Daytime Episodes Now! Did you miss your favorite soap today? Full streaming episodes of ATWT, GL and Y&R are now available exclusively on Beginning at 3pm PT/6pm ET, you can catch the same day’s entire episode right on your computer!

Watch ATWT
Watch GL
Watch Y&R

I tested with today's ATWT. The video streaming had no glitches. However, the sound during the show seemed to come through my left earphone and during commercials or credits from my right earphone. This wouldn't necessarily bother me except that I was watching at work and usually only cover one ear. (So, I would hear fine one moment and hear nothing the next.)

ATWT: Welcome back Craig!

This past week, with the Craig and Meg wedding, has really spotlighted how wonderful Scott Bryce is in this role. At first, I was a bit hesitant (and confused) to fully embrace him since it meant a firing for Jeffrey Meeker. (That and I personally love, love, love Hunt Block!)

Anyway, Scott Bryce's Craig has just been rockin' it this week.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Little Scoop, or slip of the tongue, from the Emmys

Guiding Light fans may have got a glimpse of what is coming up on GL in the coming weeks. Two storylines may have had scoop released.

1) When Kurt McKinney (Matt) was pointed out by fellow castmate, Ricky Paul Goldin, RPG said something to the effect that "here's Matt, back from the dead". Will Mallet actually go through with the hit on Matt?

2) When Beth Chamberlain introduced herself she stated she played the role of Beth Raines Baur. Now, I guess one could confuse the two of the major families of Springfield--the Baurs and the Spauldings. Or, will Beth and Rick be walking down the aisle in order to legitimize the baby that Rick (and Beth and Alan as well) thinks is his?

Monday, June 11, 2007

2006 Daytime Emmys: Outstanding Drama Series

Nominees and Episodes

Bold and the Beautiful
Stephanie confronts her mother about past abuse
More Steph confronting about Dad's beatings

Guiding Light
Jonathan thinks about actions since coming to town
Dinah and Mallet's non-wedding

One Life to Live
Todd's Execution
John's Funeral

Young and the Restless
Ice storm hits Genoa City
Speculation episode on who killed Carmen Mesta

Bold and the Beautiful submitted the same episodes for writing as in the outstanding Drama category. (Thus you can read more on that below.) I do want to comment that the acting in this episode in outstanding. It features multiple Emmy winner Susan Flannery’s Stephanie taking on her mother, a surprisingly cold and mean Betty White. Great story, great drama. They may get their first Emmy!

Guiding Light again submits two Inside the Light episodes but not the same ones from the writing category. The first episode is heavy drama centered around Emmy-winner Tom Pelphrey’s Jonathan. Typical of ITL episodes it is fleshed out and well told story. The second episode is comedic and centers around popular couple of Dinah and Mallet. Through the two episodes they exhibit strong writing as well as strong acting. And without much overlap in the actors in the two episodes, one realizes that GL has the best cast in all of daytime. God, I hope they win!

One Life to Live submitted the Todd execution storyline. I remember when this first aired that it was very compelling and I still felt this in my second viewing (though I knew Todd would be saved). Of all the episodes submitted in this category, it is the best. The second episode centers around John McBain’s funeral. After an execution episode, another eppy centering around death seems a bit much. In addition, the John McBain character is fairly new to daytime, so his funeral may not resonate with non-viewers. Overall I would say that the episodes have great writing, but the acting is not as strong as GL.

Young and the Restless also has the same picks for their writing nomination. There is a saying “if it ain’t on the page, it ain’t on the stage” and the cast and crew of YR will NOT be on the stage to collect an emmy with these two subpar episodes.

I think this is anyone but YRs to win. I can’t decide even who I would choose, let alone who the entire academy might choose.

Who will win: Anyone but YR *smile*

Who should win: Guiding Light

I would vote for: Bold and the Beautiful or Guiding Light*

Don't count out: One Life to Live has lots of buzz

*I know this sounds fickle. I have gone back and forth. I wonder if my vote for GL is out of loyalty, as it is the soap I have watched the longest. Then again, Bold and the Beautiful is one my current favorites. Okay, if I had to vote it would be……………….Guiding Light.

2006 Daytime Emmys: Writing for Drama Series

Nominees and episodes

Bold and the Beautiful
Stephanie confronting her mother
More Steph confronting her mother

General Hospital
Lulu's abortion

Guiding Light
ITL: Reva deals with cancer and Josh moves Cross Creek
ITL: Dinah (her and Mallet get back together)

Young and the Restless
Ice storm hits Genoa City
Speculation episode on who killed Carmen Mesta

The Bold and the Beautiful has two solid back-to-back episodes. The story is intense as a 60-something female confronts her elderly mother about the father’s past abuse and why she stood on the sidelines without The dialogue is solid with the exception of Hunter Tylo’s Taylor who is always written to speak in psychiatric clichés and when she explains what is happening to Stephanie’s children it is no different.

General Hospital is nominated for writing but, oddly, not for Outstanding Drama. The first episode addresses many hot topics including abortion and drug use. It also re-introduces Genie Francis’ Laura back to the screen. The second episode is typical holiday drivel that soaps like to offer. The best part is Laura saying goodbye to her children.

Guiding Light makes a good decision by submitting two Inside the Light episodes. These “Wednesday” episodes allow the writers to flush out story and character more than a regular episode. The episodes they pick also show drama and humor which will add to their vote tally.

Young and the Restless should win an award for worst episode picking ability. They were great most of the year and I can't believe they think these two episodes highlight their superiority. The Ice Storm sniffs of a General Hospital-style disaster as emmy bait maneuver. Add to it that it wasn’t suspenseful and it truly was a disaster (not to mention that fellow CBS soap ATWT had done an ice storm story several weeks earlier). The “Who Killed Carmen Mesta” episode might attract votes for those who do not ordinarily watch the show. It has good writing and works as a “stand alone”, but was a centerpiece of an awful murder mystery where no cared who killed Carmen.

Who will win: Bold and the Beautiful

Who should win: Guiding Light

I would vote for: Guiding Light

Don't count out: General Hospital

2006 Daytime Emmys: Leading Female

Nominees and episodes

Crystal Chappel, GL
Olivia tells Buzz about her rape
ITL: Olivia and Jeffrey confront their mutual past

Jeanne Cooper, YR
Katherine fires Jack; says goodbye to MacKenzie
Katherine says goodbye to John on his deathbed

Michelle Stafford, YR
Phyllis with Nick; later fighting with Jack, then Sharon
Phyllis and Jack in the elevator during ice storm

Maura West, ATWT
Jack and Carly breakup
Carly's hopes for a reunion are dashed

Kim Zimmer, GL
Reva rejects going to cancer support group
Jonathan donates bone marrow to Reva

Crystal Chappel's tape makes me realize why I love her character "Olivia" so much. These episodes are packed with emotions and make her a frontrunner.

Jeanne Cooper is a supporting actress and not a lead. She should not be in this category!!! (Though there is some buzz about how she is an "overdue veteran"—bah!)

Michelle Stafford is once again victim of bad tape selection. Her first episode is a bad pick. The elevator was not good story, but shows great acting by Stafford.

Maura West just WOWS 'em with this episode. Her only issue might be that the two tapes are very similar. However, one's heart breaks along with Carly when she is there in her wedding dress and her hoped for reunion does not come to fruition. And it is her anger after that heartbreak that make you applaud this tape.

Kim Zimmer had a great year with the Reva cancer storyline. However, her reel is not as good as Chappel's or West's reels, though she is awfully close. She also has her statement last year of taking herself out of the running (and obviously NOT doing that) which might work against her with voters.

This category is hard to pick a winner. I really think West is best, but wonder how much that is jaded by my love of "Carly" and her portrayer. Both West and Chappel play that "heartbreak" card which I think always works with Emmy voters. If they can start to feel your pain and empathize with your character, they think you have what it takes.
Another issue is the Inside the Light factor. These Guiding Light episodes give an actor the opportunity to really flesh out a character, their emotions as well as their story, in one episode. I initially thought their length would work against the nominees. However, ITL makes for better storyline and will probably pay off for one or two actors come Friday.

Who will win: Crystal Chappel

Who should win: West or Chappel

I would vote for: Maura West

Don't count out: Kim Zimmer

2006 Daytime Emmys: Leading Male

Nominees and episodes:

Peter Bergman, YR
Jack finds out about Nick/Phyllis affair
Jack talks to John on his dad's deathbed

Anthony Geary, GH
Luke talks to Lulu after they visit Laura
Laura comes out of her catatonic state

Ricky Paul Goldin, GL
Aftermath of Gus' discovery of Harley/Mallet
ITL: Gus tries to kick his drug habit

Christian LeBlanc, YR
Confronts Gloria about tainting face cream
At Lauren's memorial service, Lauren shows up

Michael Park, ATWT
Jack and Carly breakup
Carly's hopes for a reunion are dashed

Peter Bergman has two solid episodes. We see some of the stuff that made this a great year for Peter Bergman, though I would like to have seen an episode where Jack was the bad guy. (Thank God he didn't pick those silly elevator episodes!) He is firmly in second place on my ballot.

Anthony Geary is a great actor. He manages to convey much without words. I just don't think it is strong enough to beat RPG's drug addiction episode.

Ricky Paul Goldin has a good first episode. However, it is his second episode that just knocks it out of the park. RPG is the one to beat.

Christian LeBlanc's first episode is not a good pick. His second episode is wonderful and I am glad I got to see it again. I just don’t think it is award worthy.

Michael Park submitted the same episodes as Maura West in the Female Lead category. I love the roller coaster ride that is "Jack and Carly" and these episodes take you on that ride. Michael Park could definitely be the dark horse here.

Coming into this, I thought Peter Bergman was a shoo-in. He had a wonderful year, where I went from hating Jack, to sympathizing with Jack, to loving Jack—sometime within one episode. However, it's supposed to be "about the tapes" and RPG will be hard to beat with his Inside the Light episode where he tries to detox.

Who will win: Ricky Paul Goldin

Who should win: Ricky Paul Goldin

I would vote for:
Ricky Paul Goldin

Don't count out: Peter Bergman

2006 Daytime Emmys: Supporting Female

Nominees and episodes

Genie Francis, GH
Luke comes clean about Laura's temporary recovery
Laura celebrates holidays with family, says goodbye

Renee Goldsberry, OLTL
Evangaline learns about John's death
Evangaline and Cristian consumate their relationship

Rebecca Herbst, GH
Elizabeth walks out on Lucky
Elizabeth and Jason's comforting leads to sex

Lesli Kay, BB
Felicia talks about cancer before parent's wedding
Felicia cuts off her hair; returns from the dead

Gina Tognoni, GL
Mallet leaves dinner party to rescue Harley
Distraught over Mallet, Dinah dances on the bar at company

Heather Tom, OLTL
Kevin and Kelly breakup; rips ring off finger
Kelly realizes she is pregnant with Duke's child

Oh gosh! This category is always so hard.

Genie Francis was only on for a few weeks, so I came into this with a negative feeling towards her nominations. However, her episodes are wonderful and she is the definitive frontrunner. Her realization that her recovery is only temporary is just heart breaking. She then shows a range of emotions from lost and confused to sadly saying goodbye to her children.

Renee Goldsberry has completely unbalanced episodes. The first episode is great as we see her go from disbelief to mourning over John's death. The second episode, while a highlight for fans of Evangaline and Cris, love scenes do not make stellar acting.

Rebecca Herbst has some okay stuff. However, my reel was in opposite order of how they actually aired and from what I understand, the way she submitted. So, it is a bit confusing for her to be pregnant in one eppy then in the next eppy she is drinking and making that baby.

Leslie Kay's submissions had emmy buzz when they first aired. However, that was almost a year and a half ago and things have changed. She is giving Genie Francis a run for her money, and my vote would go to Kay. More because she is a permanent cast member and not a "guest star". (They really need a new category.)

Gina Tognoni shows both humor and outrage. I think she could have picked better episodes and possibly repeated. However, I won't completely count her out.

Heather Tom has a good first tape and it is probably the episode that will win her scene partner, Dan Guathier, an emmy. I am just not sure it works for her. The second episode centers more on her character, however she doesn't garner sympathy or show a range of emotion.

Who will win: Genie Francis

Who should win: Lesli Kay or Genie Francis (both stellar)

I would vote for: Lesli Kay

Don't count out: Gina Tognoni

Sunday, June 10, 2007

2006 Daytime Emmys: Supporting Male

Nominees and Episodes:

Trent Dawson, ATWT
Henry confronts Emily about Dusty
Henry confronts Louis about raping Maddie

Dan Gauthier, OLTL
Kevin and Kelly breakup; rips ring off finger
Kevin/Kelly discuss relationship and their big fight

Ric Hearst, GH
Sick in the hospital, wonders about his mother's love
Rick and Alexis argue about infidelity with her daughter

Greg Rikaart, YR
Tells Mac how much she has meant before she leaves
Confronts dad's body in the morgue

Kristoff St. John, YR
Neil finds out about Dru/Malcolm night together long ago
Neil realizes that, subsequently, Lily is not bio daughter

Trent's first episode shows some of the humor for which he is best known, the second shows a dramatic side. I really, really would be thrilled if Trent Dawson wins. However, this is probably not his year when looking at the competition.

Dan Gauthier knocks it out of the park with both episodes. I can't imagine that he won't win.

Ric Hearst is good and has some intense stuff—could be a surprise winner.

Greg Rikaart has an okay first episode but a great second episode. I guess if you have some inconsistencies, make sure you leave them loving you with a spectacular second episode. Don't count him out.

Kristoff St. John has some meaty material that really plays into the history of Young and the Restless. He is my sentimental favorite just because of the storyline. In his performance he makes you tear up as he is hit with the reality that his family isn't quite what he always thought it was.

Who will win: Gauthier

Who should win: Gauthier

I would vote for: Gauthier or Rikaart (sorry Trent!)

2006 Daytime Emmys: Younger Female

Nominees and Episodes

Julie Berman, GH
Lulu contemplates an abortion
Lulu confronts Luke about Laura's temporary recovery

Alexadra Chando, ATWT
Maddie admits to Henry about being raped by Louis
Casey tries to convince Maddie to go to memorial service

Stephanie Gatschett, GL
ITL: Cassie locks Tammy in the morgue with Sandy's body
Tammy and Jon breakup so he can raise his daughter

Jennifer Landon, ATWT
Gwen confronts Will about his one night stand with Jade
Gwen and her alcoholic mother, Iris

Leven Ramblin, AMC
Lily finds out Jonathan lied about his condition
Lily laments to Erica/Jack about Jonathan's lies

Julie Berman: Before viewing the episodes I truly thought Julie Berman would run away with this, as she had so much buzz around her episodes. Her two episodes are good, but she kind of fades into the background when in the scene with Genie Francis and Anthony Geary.

Alexandra Chando has a great first episode, but her second episode is a bad pick. She said she was going for something lighter and different, which is a good approach to show range. However, this particular episode doesn't do it. It's too bad she doesn't have some of those daydream episodes from when she first came onto the show.

Stephanie Gatschett's tapes brought back bad memories. When her first episode originally aired, I remember thinking that her mother should be locked up forever. I mean, who locks their kid in the morgue with a corpse on purpose!!!! While the Inside the Light episodes work for other actors this year, it almost works against Gatschett in this first episode. The second episode is very good, but voters might be a little tired of her after the ITL episode.

Jennifer Landon rocks it in her episodes! She could also go back-to-back and will give Berman a run for her money.

Ramblin is great, but the storyline she submits is not great. If voters can overlook that, she could be a surprise winner on Friday.

Who will win: Berman

Who should win: Landon or Berman

I would vote for: Landon

2006 Daytime Emmys: Younger Male

This is a fun category that includes Passions' (well NBC's for that matter) lone nominee.

Nominees and Episodes

Van Hansis, ATWT
Holden and Luke talk about Luke's behavior
Luke and Damian have it out over family legacy/gayness

Bryton McClure, YR
Devon says goodbye to birth mother
Devon confront Carmen about Dru

Tom Pelphrey, GL
Jonathan and Reva at the bridge
Jonathan finds out Reva has not drove off bridge

Jesse Soffer, ATWT
Gwen confronts Will about his one night stand with Jade
Will begs for forgiveness from Gwen

James Stevenson, PS
Jared at job interview; learns Theresa's identity
Jared & Ethan get into argument

Van Hansis is very good and shows some depth including much anger is his argument with Damian.

Bryton could very well win. He is outstanding when I focus on him on these reels. However, when I watch the show he just an "also there" and doesn't pop out. Of course, this could say more about his character than the actor playing that role.

Tom Pelphrey is outstanding in both episodes. The only thing that might keep him from back-to-back Emmy's is that he cries in both episodes.

Jesse Soffer is just wonderful. My only concern is that Jennifer Landon is just "more wonderfuller" that she might outshine him. This could be his year.

James Stevenson has two good episodes and shows a lot of emotions. Unfortunately, he has silly Passions' writing to act with and that will only count against him.

Who will win: Van Hansis

Who should win: Pelphrey

I would vote for:

2006 Daytime Emmys: Non-soap Categories

Wow! The big day is Friday! I can hardly wait.

I have been procrastinating but time to do those Emmy picks.

I'll start with some non-soap categories (below) and then do individual posts for each daytime drama category.

And, without further ado:

Game Show Host

Nominees and episodes

Ben Bailey, Cash Cab
Brother and Sister who double their money

Bob Barker, TPIR
1st episode of 35th season

Pat Sajak, Wheel
on location in Texas

Alex Trebek, Jeopardy!
Doug Savant, Jane Kazmarek,

Meredith Viera, Millionaire
Whassupp! episode

I love cash cab, so I won't mind them winning. However, there is nothing spectacular on their tape, Wheel's or Jeopardy's.

This is a Viera vs Barker race and I am pulling for Barker just because his last episode airs on the same day as the telecast.

Who will win: Toss-up between Barker and Viera

Who should win: Barker

I would vote for:

Talk Show Host

Nominees and episodes

Tyra Banks
Guest: Janet Jackson, visit to LA school

Ellen DeGeneres
Guests: Simon Cowell, James Blunt, music prodigy

Phil McGraw
Dr. Phil confronts man who molested own daughter

Rachel Ray
Sick girl gets to meet her idol, Jessica Simpson

Soap Talk
Guests: Peter Bergman, wives of Soap Hunks

The View
Guests: James Brolin, Jeffrey Carlson (AMC)

Tyra Banks is surprisingly good in her episode.
Ellen's episode is her doing what she does best.
Dr. Phil is his usual aggressive self in a intense episode where a man is allegedly molesting his 3-year old daughter. It is the best of all the episodes, but the subject matter may turn of some voters.
Rachel Ray's episode is good and her guests never overshadow her.
Soap Talk is good with the Peter Bergman, but is just crap with the wives segment. Why are they nominated.
The View could have picked 50 better episodes and ruined their chances with a bad pick. However, the publicity the show has garnered—and that it has truly improved in the past year—might make it some sort of dark horse.

What this category comes down to is this a "light and breezy" category (e.g. Ellen, Soap Talk) or more hard hitting (Dr. Phil). I would like to think that the academy think it is the former and thus this is really between Ellen and Tyra.

Morning Show

Nominees and episodes

Good Morning America
in-depth North Korea story

Live with Regis & Kelly
Ashton Kutcher, Barenaked Ladies, and World Records

The Today Show
Pres Clinton, surgical mistakes, and break dancing

Good Morning America has a good overall episode. They are very in-depth with the North Korea coverage and also include the new trend into walk-in medical services at shopping centers and department stores.
Live with Regis & Kelly just seems to be in the wrong category. The show always jokes about how they always lose "Talk Show", so maybe they took themselves out of that and into this new category hoping for a win. But, they just look silly when compared with the other two nominees.
The Today Show is good with the Bill Clinton interview but not great. The other stuff runs along the same lines. And, they only submitted an episode that was 26 minutes of their usual 3-4 hour broadcast. It seems if they were going to edit and this was the best they have, they don't have much compared to GMA.

This is a first time for this category and will define itself with how it awards this new Emmy. Much like the Talk Show category, it needs to determine if it is more "talk show"-ish or more news. It really should be a race between GMA and Today, with GMA the favorite. However, Today could garner votes just on popularity and reputation.

Who will win: Good Morning America

Who should win: Good Morning America

I would vote for
: Good Morning America