Let's do a campaign to save ATWT. Kind of a Jericho-style campaign, hold the nuts.
I was thinking something really simple. Sending little "Worlds" to CBS with a note that says "Don't stop our 'World' from turning!" An additional heart-felt letter might not hurt, either.
I'm thinking something simple, like these.
You can buy them in bulk at Oriental Trading (get your friends and family fellow viewers to send them, too). But, I've also seen items like these at the Dollar/99-cent Store.
It worked to get Jericho reinstated. Perhaps if CBS knew their were many passionate viewers (who may not just be a NielsenFamily) they may reconsider. Or, it may give P&G/Televest some ammo with new media outlets.
What do you say? I thiink sending these to Barbara Bloom and/or Les Moonves is most effective. I plan on sending to both.
Les Moonves
President and CEO CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
Barbara Bloom
Senior Vice President, Daytime
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
New York, NY 10019