Wednesday, July 18, 2007

BB: Oh Mama!

I find it a bit ironic what the "other mothers" are doing while Brooke is having her children removed by Child Protective Services.

Ashley spends the night with Ridge to help out. However, no Abby in sight.

Stephanie is being over-meddlesome, but the last we saw her other son Thorne he was drinking and downing some pills.

Umm...perhaps one should focus on their own kids before looking down their noses at my Brooke.

Relatedly, what is Thorne doing?! Is this a suicide attempt? Oh no. He is too hot to go off the show. Put him back with Brooke.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

YR: A "Nick" observation

Just catching up on my YRs. Several times Nick has said to Phyllis in regards to Summer "She's beautiful. Of course, I will be there for her." if Summer was an ugly baby he would treat her like he is treating Phyllis?