Monday, November 22, 2004

Black Enterprise: Article on Daytime Television

The new issue of Black Enterprise (with my homeboy Cedrick Kyles on the cover) has a nice article on African Americans and daytime television. It was a nice balanced article pointing out the programs that are in place to bring more people of color to the behind-the-scenes action, as well as lauding the strides daytime television has made.

I would definitely recommend reading if one is interested in the production aspects of soap operas.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

YR: JT's Singing Career

I admit that I don't watch Y&R as much as the other CBS soaps, but...

What happened to JT as the recording artist--the career that was taking off so that it caused problems with Colleen?

ATWT: Jack and the Divorce Papers

Not having your memory is one thing.
But turning into an asshole is another.

Why, why, why did Jack bring Julia along when he was serving Carly with divorce papers?! I really thought Jack was still a good guy inside, yet this proves otherwise. Only a big jerk would bring along "the other woman" to something already so emotionally charged.

It's one thing to stick in the knife with those papers. It's made worse by twisting the knife by bringing along Julia.

YR: Malcolm's back part 2

CBS Daytime can relly nail some commercials. I love the one promoting Shemar Moore's return.

The one that goes something like "Malcoms wsa in a terrible accident and presumed dead. We have now found the body" voiceover of the camera spanning from Shemar's feet to his whole body.

Yum, Yum!!

YR: Malcolm's back part 1

I like that they have brought back a Malcolm with an edge. His reunions now that he is back in Genoa City have not been all flowers as joy as he returns with a definitive grudge.
This should make for good story.

ATWT: Who needs Dr. Lynn Michaels when you have Carly?

Who nees psychotherapy? Carly has nailed Jack's problem.

The boathouse scene was quite an epiphany. Carly realized that Jack's "just add water" relationship with Julia and JJ were only attempts to fill this missing parts of himself. The Jack Snyder that is a husband and a father. And that hole that is still there--and not filled by Julia and JJ--is the need for Carly/Sage/Parker.

Unfortunately, Jack took this one step in the wrong direction wiht his propsoal to Julia. Right after he remembers his wedding to Carly in Montanna, he "fills the hole" of a need for a wedding by getting on bended knee and proposing another wedding. Jack just has the wrong bride.

GL: Philip's death and funeral

The writer's did such a good job of making us hate him that it took some of the punch out of his funeral. As a fan of Philip & Beth from back in the day (e.g. their prom), I should have been a little more sad. However, I could see more from Olivia's point of view than Beth's. More on the lines of "good riddance of bad rubbish".

Saturday, October 23, 2004

BB: Amber's non-preganancy

This storyline has been good as it revealed the answers to some questions left open after Amber's miscarriage a few years back. However, it just proves that Stephanie really needs to get a life. If she isn't nosing around in Ridge's relationships, it's Ridge's son. I would think that with all Thorne is doing to bring this to her attention, Stephanie would be changing her ways.

GL: The JB and Tammy thing

Really ,writers. What was the point of pushing it so far that cousins JB and Tammy slept together? The kissing was bad enough, but this?! It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't Tammy's first.
And the most sickening part is that Reva "center of the GL universe" is the reason Jonathan/JB did this. For revenge against Reva.
Growing up, my father always said soaps are "too much drama". And this time it might be true--drama for drama's sake. Not for good storytelling.

ATWT: Lucinda and Jordan

Hmm..this Jordan working for Lucinda thing has me thinking...
..what if Jordan is Lucinda's son?

Remember back when David Stenbeck was introduced. James Stenbeck tried to pass him off as Lucinda's son. Lucinda didn't find it an improbability and thought it possible until proven otherwise. Now, we have shown that Joran is Stenbeck's son. But who is the baby's mama?

Things that make you go, hmm...

Saturday, October 02, 2004

GL: Would someone please shoot Philip now..

And put him out of everone's misery?!

ATWT: Old Hal/New Hal

Randolph Mantooth is once again replacing Benjamin Hendrickson as Hal Munson. He did the same when Hendrickson needed a leave a while back. However, all signs point to this as a permanent recast.

I like Randolph Mantooth. I liked him when he was on Emergency! back in the early 70's. He is a good actor, seems to understand the role of Hal. I just think this will take some getting used to--an adjustment. Probably within a year, I will forget there was a recast.

B&B: Brooke's Back!

I don't see where this is going (or I don't see exactly how Brooke is going to help the Forresters keep Thorne at bay), but the ads make it look good.

If you haven't seen it, go to:

Brooke's line of "let's put the focus back where it belongs---on me!" is so classic.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

ATWT: Alison and Chris

I am actually enjoying this storyline even though it looks like these two won't end up together. Actually I think Alison and Aaron will make a good couple so this breakup won't turn me off.

That said, I know Hal has been ignoring Emily; but is she really going to leave him for Chris? I can hear Kim's lecture already.

ATWT: Dusty and Lucy

Are they serious about this couple? She is, wha,t 18? And he is 30-something?

What could these two have in common? One shared experience?


B&B: I don't care!!!

Hey B&B producers, listen up: I DONT' CARE!!!

I don't care about Rick and Caitlyn. I don't care about Thomas and Amber (although the way the two stories are being played out is very hypocritical).

I don't really care about Jackie and Massimo. Although they are better than the above.

I do care about: 1)Ridge and Brooke. 2)Thorne getting revenge on Forrester.

I don't mind other storylines just the above "teen" storylines are pointless and the other "old fogie" story is same old, same old.

ATWT: Carly and Jack and Julia

Carly and Jack are my favorite, favorite couple. And usually in a soap love triangle there is someone to dislike.
However, this Julia seems to be a decent person who does not want to get hurt when Jack eventually regains his memory and goes back to his old life.
Now, we find out she has an *sshole ex-husband. Makes you even more sympathetic to the character. Well...only to the point where I wonder how ATWT can use her in Oakdale once Jack comes back to his family.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

GL: Phillip

The writers are being consistent in their drive to make Phillip a true ass. The question is: why? Alan is there to play the Spaulding meanie role so is this truly needed? Shouldn't Phillip just be happy he is happy and closer to sanity than he was months ago.

On a side note: Too bad Phillip and Olivia are divorcing. They made an interesting couple and I think they truly had feeling for one another at one point.

BB: Thomas and Amber

Are they serious to put these two as a couple?

Sometimes I think Brad Bell and Co are sick, sick people.

ATWT: Barbara

Glad to see that Barbara's reformed ways lasted all of 2 days.

The downside is that I liked seeing her with Walker. Well, I liked seeing Walker and if it took a romance with Barbara...

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Two for One Tango Lessons

ATWT and GL, both Proctor and Gamble productions, incorporated a tango in the past 2 weeks. Makes me wonder if P&G wrangled a 2-for-1 deal on the tango lessons for the actors.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

CBS, please pick up the pace

Oh CBS stories are getting a bit boring. Even the Brooke and Ridge wedding didn't have fireworks. I expected Stephanie to come in with an Uzi not tad bit tipsy.
ATWT has not a storyline that I care about happening at this time. I guess that might be with no Katie and no Carly on screen. While the budding romance with Paul and Roseanna could be interesting, it is too bogged down in the Steinbeck storyline.
GL is making too big a deal out of the Gus/Harley "trust" issue since we viewers KNOW that Gus is lying to her/covering for his families involvement in drug dealing. It could be a good storyline if they just didn't use the word "trust" in every other sentence. We see where this is going, you don't need to cram it down our throats.
I thought summer storylines were supposed to be the best. Yet, it is July and I can't make myself watch my shows this week. I see promise on the horizon:
BB has the Forrester showdown: Ridge vs Thorne
ATWT has the blooming romances. They just recycling the old "pregant by the wrong man" storyline (Jessica and Doc) and the Dusty/Lucy coupling is plain unbelievable. (Hello?! She just graduated from high school!)
GL could pick up the pace by showing more of the Philip vs Oliva storyline, especially when viewers are questioning which side of the fence Bill will land. I can even tolerate the teen storyline--as long as Lizzie eventually gets hers.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

GL: Michelle's amnesia

Wow! She really is a different person with amnesia--actually has some funny lines. I guess this is probably great for the actress who plays Michelle to have something meatier.
However, this storyline brings up questions I always have with the amnesia plot:
Is this really how amnesia affects people?
How do people remember the small things (like how to drive a car) but don't remember people or events?
Would someone remember seeing a movie or its plotline but not remember the details behind seeing the movie?

ATWT: Katie and Simon

No, no, no...
I want Katie to forgive Simon. He just wanted her back and wasn't sure how to go about it. It is not Simon's fault that Pilar was a nutcase.
I like Katie and Mike. I just love Katie and Simon. (And of course, I love looking at Simon so any and all screentime for Simon I am for!)

GL: What is up Phillip's ass?

I cannot believe how mean Phillip is being to Olivia. I would prefer that the two get back together (well, they are married so I guess I should say I wish they would have a real marriage).
However, if that cannot happen I hope Olivia gives it to him good! His daughter, Lizzie, is crazy and Olivia is only trying to protect herself and her daughter. Phillip is blind to Lizzie's manipulations--hopefully it won't be at the cost of harm to Olivia or her daughter.

Bold and Beautiful: Ridge is the baby daddy!

I am thrilled that Ridge is the father of Brooke's baby. I was even more thrilled that they were getting back together regardless of the parentage, but this is just the whipped cream on top of the sundae!

Bold and Beautiful: Brooke and really natural childbirth

I cannot seem to recall Rick's birth, but I do remember that both Brigette and Hope were born at the cabin. Thsi new baby was born at Brooke's house.
Thus it seems that Brooke doesn't ever get to the hospital for her births. The good point is that her labor seems to be real short (or is it quick?).

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Bold and the Beautiful: Brooke's Wedding

Oh, the wedding day I have been dreading, as I am such a Brooke and Ridge fan. However, they have done this in a very interesting way.

I have really enjoyed Stephanie's flashbacks on Brooke and her previous weddings. Side note: Yeah, the Kristen I liked is back on BB, although it was humorous in one of the flashbacks they showed the old Kristen who was brunette.

I am not enjoying Ridge's attempt to break-up the wedding. This is ONLY because I feel as if this will backfire on him. This Maya chick is probably truly someone they do business with (my guess is she is a madam in the far east and provides hookers for the Marone fleet's merchant marines when ashore).

So, the likely outcome is that Ridge will be embarrassed that he was wrong and subsequently completely give up on Brooke.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

ATWT's Katie and the return of Simon

I just love Katie. Not as much as my girl Carly, but I love Katie. I really don't have a favorite man for her to be with, just like to see her with someone good and with a great storyline to match. Thus, I am not caught up in or torn over the Katie and Mike vs Katie and Simon thing. (Ahh...what's a soap without a love triangle or two?!)

The return of Simon was a shock! However, I empathize with Katie and also wonder if he is back for good or just for a few days. I kinda hope the former as Paul Leyden, the actor who portrays Simon, is very easy on the eyes. And ya gotta love the Aussie accent.

CBS and their new tag line

On Monday I noticed during the "intermission break" for ATWT that CBS has a new tag line, which they used in place of the World Turning and the "As the World Turns will continue after these messages" announcement. They showed pictures of the various stars, not unlike the current opening credits, with the tag line "The Look That's Got You Hooked".

No, the good writing and storylines have us hooked! Now, don't get me wrong, I love looking at the handsome men (especially w/o shirts) and the women's fashion as much as the next soap fan, but the look has little to do with why I come back each and every day.

Now, c'mon CBS. You have the #1 network for Daytime Drama. You just won an Emmy for writing via As The World Turns--the third in four years! Yet, you think the look has us hooked? We will only tolerate pretty faces who can't act or have nothing to work with for so long.

I can only hope this is just a summer promotion thing.

Monday, May 31, 2004

ATWT's Jennifer

This entire week I have wanted to tell Jennifer Munson to SHUT UP!! She is way too invested in Jordan Sinclair's life, considering they have not been on one complete date and have maybe kissed a couple of times.

This character is such a loser!

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Guiding Light and the Witness Protection Program

I am still in the process of watching GL for the week of May 24. I just want to throw something at the TV over this whole Witness Protection Program thing. Now, I do not like Jeffrey, but he is right on this one. I know that Eden is hard headed and doesn't have a clue. However, why can't Gus and Harley get it through their heads that Eden needs to remain "dead" for EVERYONE she knows for her own and her loved ones safety?!

Thank the Lord for fast forward...