Friday, February 24, 2006

AMC: History Lost

Back in the early 1970's, AMC broke ground and had an abortion storyline. In that story, Erica aborted but to balance things she came down with some sort of reaction and nearly died. Well, not staying true to its history, she actually didn't have an abortion but an embryo transplant. Is that right?

I know soaps like to create these long-lost children, especially for their marquee players. However, this just undid a ground breaking story.

What next? Bianca as a lesbian is just a dream (ala Bobby in the shower on Dallas).


Jimmy said...

No... the story is that Erica thought she was getting an abortion, but Greg Madden took the fetus and implanted it into his wife. So, they're not really re-writing history in a big way because it doesn't change what everyone thought happened, it just changes what really did happen.

Jimmy said...

Erica is getting ready to poison Greg. I think the writers are trying to set up a triangle between Jack/Erica/Greg.