Friday, April 28, 2006

2005 Daytime Emmys: Writing

What makes good drama—good writing. It's the "if it's not on the page, it ain't on the stage" mantra. Oddly enough, two shows that are in contention for Outstanding Drama are NOT in the running for outstanding writing.

I came into this category thinking Y&R was the definitive winner. They always write stories that reach out across storylines. It is one of the things that make them a ratings leader. But, will it make them an Emmy winner? Again, they are judged on two episodes alone so it can be anyone's game.

Here are the nominees and the episodes they picked:

As the World Turns – Episode#1 Jennifer and Gwen go into labor at the same time; Episode#2 Dusty realizes Meg's role in the Jennifer/Gwen baby switch.

Bold and the Beautiful – Episode#1 Stephanie and Brooke gun episode; Episode #2 Christmas episode where Felicia's baby is christened.

One Life to Live – Episode#1 Rex finds Jennifer's body, Vikki tricks David and Dorian into getting together. Episode#2 Lindsey deals with Jen's death, Dorian and David start an anonymous online relationship.

Young and the Restless – Episode #1 Daniel is arrested as Cassie is barely hanging on to her life. Episode #2 Consecutive episode where Cassie dies.

One Life to Live should have picked the Daniel as killer and gay reveal. It was really strong and was the culmination of great story. The first episode was good, but the second was all over the place.
As the World Turns could have picked the baby switch culmination also, instead of the pseudo-culmination of the Meg/Dusty reveal. The former had strong acting which can only help their strong writing.
Bold and Beautiful should not have picked the Christmas episode. Those are always so contrived—although if you are looking for sappy, this is your episode.

Who will win: Young and the Restless
Who should win: Young and the Restless

I cry every time I watch the Cassie dies episode (and I had to watch four times for Emmy picks plus the original airing). Y&R picks two consecutive episodes that make it easy to follow the storyline. The second episode is stronger than the first, which is something the other shows did not accomplish. Like the other shows, Y&R start big. Unlike the others, they end strong.

Who could win: As the World Turns is a perennially favorite in this category. And, in the back of my heart, I would not mind if home-girl Jean Passanante brings home a win.

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